Monday, November 23, 2015

Too early for a Countdown to Spring?

Hey there!  We are already one quarter into the school year so I hope everyone is back into the swing of things!  It took some time, but it is finally starting to look (and feel) like November outside.  For some, this is an exciting time.  For others (like me), we begin our countdown to next Spring!  On the bright side, shoveling provides some additional exercise opportunities!

Reports on Responsibility

Report cards recently came out for the first quarter, and I know some of you out there probably feel you could have done better than you did.  With that, I have a few reminders or tips as we move into the second quarter:

  1. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your actions, effort, and behavior.  Taking responsibility for yourself when things don't go the way you would like them is a mature response that often leads to a positive change.
  2. ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES of your actions, effort, and behavior.  Recognize what these consequences represent, accept them, and move forward.
  3. MAKE APPROPRIATE CHANGES to your actions, effort, and behavior.  Learn from your mistakes.  Turn negatives into positives.  Turn weaknesses into strengths.  Show growth!

Sniffling the Winter Blues

The cold weather also tends to bring more...well...colds.  During the cold and flu season (and really all the time), it is important to remember a few things:

WASH YOUR HANDS - ALL THE TIME!  Hand-washing is the best way to prevent the spread of germs.

EAT HEALTHY FOODS - Getting the proper nutrients into your body is important to help it function at a high level.  Don't forget your Vitamin C!

EXERCISE - Hmmm, diet and exercise are important - where have you heard this before?  Research has shown that exercise can help boost your immune system to more effectively fight off colds.