I hope everyone had a great summer! It seems like just yesterday I was writing about the end of another school year here at LCS. Once again, I write about the start of a new, exciting one.
As always, this year begins with some changes. There are new faces, new places, and new challenges for all of us. What remains the same is the commitment to excellence from both students and staff here at LCS. Nobody wants summer to end, but if it has to, at least it is Lake Country School that we are coming back to!
A Few things to remember as we enter the new school year...
Let's BE KIND to others.
Every time we encounter someone, we have a opportunity to impact their life in a positive or a negative way. Let's spread positivity here at LCS.
Make good choices and good decisions. If something that you are about to do doesn't "feel" right, it's probably not. Choose a safer alternative.
Our days are filled with choices. Will you choose to do the next "RIGHT THING?" Will you choose to do the next right thing EVEN when others are not looking? Will you choose to do the next right thing even if EVERYONE else is not? Hopefully, the answer is yes!
And let's not forget our Respectful Communication!
When someone asks you to...
1. Put your EYES on the speaker!
2. Close your LIPS!
3. Open those EARS!
4. Sit or Stand up STRAIGHT!
5. Keep those HANDS and FEET quiet!
Finally, with a NEW YEAR comes an opportunity for NEW GOALS!
We talked a lot last year about the importance of "Goal-Setting" as a lifetime skill, and that it is a continuous endeavor that takes practice. Many of your set "Summer Goals." Hopefully you were able to achieve them.
A few tips:
- Make your goal MEASURABLE!
- Make your goal REALISTIC!
- Make a PLAN to reach your Goal!
We will be talking a lot more about GOALS as the year goes on. For now, we can all have the goal of making it through the first week of school! I know we will do great!
Take Care!